The first one I made was the one with green eyes. It had been a good few years since I last used a sewing machine, so used this first one to try and figure out the best way to attach each component of the owl.
When it came to the wings, with the first owl I attached them with a hand stitch at the top of each wing, so the stitch and seam was visible. With the second owl, however, I tried to hide the stitching as much as possible, still doing it by hand but pushing my needle through the body fabric and the underside of the wing to try and hide it as much as possible.
Each owl was stuffed with craft stuffing and rice to give them some weight. The second owl I think was stuffed better than the first, knowing to use more of everything to make it bulkier.
These two owls only measure about 25cm tall and 25cm wide. I now have the fabric cut out to make one double these sizes, hopefully using what I have learnt to make a much better version.
Will keep you updated with the progress of these.....................
........................til next time!