So, as promised, here is my post on my new found love of patchwork and quilting.
So, it all started when I received a free patchwork magazine with one of my craft mags, and I saw an advert for quilting classes in Sheffield, where I live.
The course was at
Patchwork Garden, and I had been thinking of taking a class in something, so I thought "why not"
So I went in and the owner, Tricia, was very helpful, and a really good teacher. She showed me a small cushion front people make as their first project, and told me to pick 4 colours, two main, one light and one dark. I chose two different owl patterned fabrics, a blue and a cream.
Tricia showed me some of the basic patchwork techniques for blocks, small blocks, larger block and triangles. I went for 2 full day sessions to complete this mini quilt, the first day spent doing the patchwork, and the second day I spent layer and quilting it.
This is the final piece and I am so happy with it for my first attempt, it is going on my wall.
Whilst I was making my first mini quilt I was given a few magazines to have a read through to try and decide if and what I wanted to do next. I learnt a lot from these magazines, so much so I decided to take on a mammoth task (according to Tricia at the shop) but I had confidence in myself. I will eventually be an eight point star quilt. I have designed the pattern myself from looking at different patterns through the magazines.
I am working with 5 different colours for the start, and I tried to graduate the colours out from black to purple to blue and finally white. The start is made up of 8 diamond shape, and each diamond is assembled by cutting numerous strips of my fabric, stitching them together staggered, so they can then be cut into strips at a 45 degree angle.
I have so far made 3 diamonds, and got the majority of my strips cut to finish the other 5. This is what I have done so far, so I hope to keep you updated with my progress.
As usual comments, questions, anything is welcome, and do please follow me here on my blog, or any of my other media sites at the side, if anything I do interests you as I would love to hear from you!
So until next time, happy crafting <3