Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Hello and Welcome

Hello to you readers, and thank you for stopping by.

First of all I thought I best introduce myself and explain a little to why I have started this blog.
Well I'm Sam, a mum to a gorgeous 21 month old little girl and nearly half way through a pregnancy with my second child.

I enjoy all things crafty, and have done for many years, though never really taken it too seriously.  However, over the last 6 months or so, my part-time interest has turned into quite a keen hobby, so much so that I have really started taken my hobby seriously.

I don't proclaim to be the best at what I do, but I do try, and its my trying and experimenting experiences that I am wanting to share with you guys.
I have never had any formal education in art or design, and am pretty much self taught in everything I do. The internet has opened my eyes no end to different techniques that I maybe would have never thought of before. I hope to move forward with my skills, and hope that positive critique as well as maybe a helping hand can be given by people who subscribe to my blog, or maybe even pick up some tips yourselves.

Well I think that's the meet and greet done and dusted, I hope that you'll continue to stop by, and I will hopefully talk to you soon.  Please feel free to leave any comments, all welcome.


Sam <3<3<3

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