Its made out of felt, card board (cereal box), cartridge sketch paper and thread.
I started off making the felted picture first, using my faithful felting needles and some wool tops.

Can't wait to try another felted picture now......
Next I put the book together. I got 24 pieces of A4 cartridge paper, folded them in half in sets of 6, making 12 pages. The pages needed trimming down due the inner pages of the fold protruding. But I ended up with 4 sets of 12 pages (6 pieces of paper folded).

I then started putting the cover together, hand sewing pieces of felt to my felt picture for the front cover and the same colour pieces of felt for the back cover. I cut 4 pieces of card board to the size I wanted the front and back cover. I glued the sewn felted pieces I'd made on a piece of cardboard, one for the front and back, and the other 2 pieces of card board I glued onto the inside of the spine of the book. The pieces of felt on the card board were then glued onto the cardboard glued on the spine, and the overlapping pieces of felt were trimmed, turned over, glued and then sewn on to the inside of the cover.
I then took a thin piece of felt for the spine to sew it onto the the front and back felt covers. The book was completed by gluing patterned paper onto the inside of each cover.
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